Rescue Organizations
Breed | Website/Email/City | Email/Phone Number |
Adopt A Homeless Animal | aaha-rescue.org | 410-205-9340 |
Animal Allies Rescue | animalalliesrescue.org | info@animalalliesrescue.org |
Animal Relief Fund | animalrelieffund.org | info@animalrelieffund.org |
Animal Rescue- MD/PA Line | animalrescueinc.org | 717-993-3232 |
Best Dawg Rescue | dawg-rescue.org | dawg@dawgrescue.org |
Calvert Animal Welfare League | cawlrescue.org | 410-535-9300 |
CARA (Companion Animal Rescue) | adoptapet.com/shelter/19045-companion-animal-rescue-alliance, Laurel | cara.opensdoors@gmail.com |
Chesapeake Cats & Dogs | chesapeakecatsanddogs.org | 410-643-9955 |
Fallston Animal Rescue Movement | fallstonanimalrescue.org | 410-557-7330 |
Friends of Montgomery Co. Animals | fmca.org , Germantown | info@fmca.org |
Home at Last Sanctuary | homeatlastsanctuary.org | hal@homeatlastsanctuary.org |
Hope is On Your Way AB, Inc. | hopeisonyourway.org | 410-967-1175 |
Lizzy's Lodge | lizzyslodgerescue.org, Silver Spring | lizzyslodgerescue@gmail.com |
Luna's House, Inc. | lunashouse.org | 410-671-2954 |
MAS Rescue, Inc. | MASrescue.org | 410-227-3566 |
MJ's Animal Sanctuary | myresq.org/mjscal, Bowie | mjsanimalsanctuary@gmail.com |
Montgomery Co. Humane Society | mchumane.org | mchs@mchumane.org |
Partnership for Animal Rescue | paw-rescue.org, Greenbelt | 301-572-4729 |
Pitties & Purrs | pittiesandpurrs.org | adoptpitties@gmail.com |
Pet Connect Rescue | petconnectrescue.org | 877-838-9171 (Emergency Only) |
PetFinder | petfinder.com | |
Pet Rescue of MD | petrescueofmd.org, Monkton | info@petrescueofmd.org |
ReachOut Rescue & Resources | reachoutrescue.org, Westminster | rorrcanine@gmail.com |
Rude Ranch Rescue | ruderanch.org, Harwood | 410-798-9559 |
Saving Grace Animal Rescue of MD | savinggraceanimalrescuemd.com | savinggracenews@gmail.com |
Senior Dog Sanctuary of Maryland | seniordogsanctuary.com, Severn | 443-742-0270 |
Small Miracles Cat & Dog Rescue | smallmiraclesrescue.org, Ellicott City | 410-461-0516 |
Tara's House | tarashouse.net | info@tarashouse.net |
Home is Where the Heart is | Home-Is-Where-The-Heart-Is-Bird-Rescue | hiwthirescue@yahoo.com |
Phoenix Landing | phoenixlanding.org | contact@phoenixlanding.org |
Ruffled Feathers Parrot Rescue | ruffledfeathers.org | 443-974-5474 |
Wilson Parrot Foundation | aaha-rescue.org facebook.com/WPFinDamascus | 301-526-3655 |
Alley Cat Rescue | saveacat.org, Mt. Ranier | 301-277-5595 |
Chesapeake Feline Assn. | chesapeakefelineassociation.org | 410-507-0664 |
Cats R Us | catsrusrescue.org | info@catsrusrescue.org |
Cuddles Cat Rescue | cuddlescatrescue.com, Thurmont | cuddlescatrescue@gmail.com |
Feline Rescue Assn. | baltimorecats.org, Owings Mills | baltimorecats@gmail.com |
Friends for Life | friendsforlifecatrescue.org | 240-818-3688 |
Howard Co Cat Club | howardcountycats.org | 410-730-3679 |
Little Flower Rescue | adoptapet.com/adoption_rescue/104638-little-flower-rescue-parkville-maryland | 443-895-8724 |
Laurel Cats, Inc | laurelcats.org | 301-886-0161 |
Lucky Cat Rescue- adoptions only | luckycatrescue.com | 443-384-7374 |
Only Main Coon (OMC) Rescue | omcrescue.org | info@omcrescue.org |
Maryland Cat Rescue/Rescue Me | cat.rescueme.org | |
Pets-4-Pets, Inc | pets4petscats.org | 240-405-4564 |
Potomac Stray Cat Rescue | potomacstraycats.tripod.com/news.htm | pstraycats@aol.com |
Siamese Cat Rescue Center | siameserescue.org | vasrc@siameserescue.org |
DOGS-All Breed | ||
Blind Dog Rescue Alliance | blinddogrescue.org | 877-BLIND-01 |
Bull Breed Rescue-Ethical | centralridge.com/ebbrr | Guardianambull@aol.com |
Canine Humane Network | caninehumane.org | 888-436-2236 |
Dog Rescue of Maryland | dogrescuemd.org | dogrescuemd@live.com |
Happy Hounds Homeward Bound | info.hhhb@gmail.com | 443-340-6114 |
Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed | nbrescue.com | 866-65-RESCUE |
Knine Rescue Inc. | kninerescue.com | kninerescueinc@gmail.com |
Mutts Need Love Too | muttsneedlove@aol.com | |
Operation Paws for Homes | ophrescue.org | 703-344-7320 |
Paws Crossed | PawsCrossedDogRescue.com | pawscrosseddogrescue@yahoo.com |
Roxie's Fund | roxiesfund.org | info@roxiesfund.org |
We Rescue Love | werescuelove.org | adopt@werescuelove.org |
Akita- Mid-Atlantic Coast | akitarescue.rescuegroups.org/animals | 703-730-0844 |
Alaskan Malamutes | chaamp.org | malamuterescue@gmail.com |
American Bull Dog | americanbulldogrescue.org | Jodi@AmericanBulldogRescue.org |
Australian Cattle Dog | acdra.org | MDShelterRep@acdra.org |
Australian Shepherd | aussierescue.org | 877-ARPH-779 |
Australian Shepherd- New Spirit | ns4ar.org | sraussies@gmail.com |
Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, Corgis | bassethoundrescuemd.org | info@bassethoundrescuemd.org |
Basset Hound | brood-va.org | 866-710-9476 |
Beagle | brewbeagles.org | Contactus@brewbeagles.org |
Beagle Rescue of Southern MD | beaglemaryland.org, Waldorf | info@beaglemaryland.org |
Bearded Collie | beardedcollieclub.us/rescue | gandafna.roger99@gmail.com |
Bedlington Terrier | bedlingtonamerica.com/resources/rescue | Lmfreeman1959@gmail.com |
Belgian Malinois | malinoisrescue.org | malinoisrescue@rocketmail.com |
Bernese Mountain Dog | mdbmdc.org | Cox215@comcast.net |
Bichon Frise | bichonrescue.org | 866-473-0722 |
Border Collie | mabcr.org | slr@mabcr.org |
Border Terrier | borderterrierrescue.com | sisque@msn.com |
Borzoi | borzois.com | bdalzell@qis.net |
Boston Terrier | bostonterrierclubofmd.org | 410-397-3697 |
Bouvier | abrl.org | mdcoord@abrl.org |
Boxer- AaBR | adoptaboxerrescue.com | 888-89-BOXER |
Brittany Spaniel | americanbrittanyrescue.org | abr.md@americanbrittanyrescue.org |
Bulldog Club of America Rescue | rescuebulldogs.org | bulliesr4me@aol.com |
Bulldog- Midatlantic | midatlanticbulldogrescue.com | mabdrescue@yahoo.com |
Bulldog- French | frenchbulldogrescue.org | fbrn.apps@fbrn.net |
Bull Mastiff | bullmastiff.us/rescue | jen.sorrell21@gmail.com |
Bull Terrier | brbtc.com | info.brbtc@gmail.com |
Cairn Terrier | rescue.potomacctc.org/index.php | locleland@verizon.net |
Cairn Rescue USA | cairnrescueusa.com | info@cairnrescueusa.com |
Chihuahua | members.petfinder.org/~NJ96/CNWH_HOME.html | cnwh.rescue@gmail.com |
Chinese Crested | crest-care.net | crestcareinc@gmail.com |
Chow | chowrescuecny.org | 315-699-3086 |
Cocker Spaniel - Adoption Center | cockeradoptions.org, Westminster | information@cockeradoptions.org |
Cocker Spaniel - Oldies But Goodies | cockerspanielrescue.com, Arlington, VA | 703-533-2373 |
Collie Rescue, Inc. | savecollies.org | info@savecollies.org |
Coonhound- Black & Tan | coonhoundrescue.com | mmad0929@aol.com |
Corgi | pwccp.org/Rescue/rescue.htm | silverrodell@comcast.net |
Curly Coated Retriever | ccrca.org/resQ1.html | division4@ccrca.org |
Dachshund Resc of N. America | drna.org | ann_donnawell@comcast.net |
Dachshund- Coast to Coast | c2cdr.org | info@c2cdr.org |
Dalmatian- Chocolate Chip | ccdal.org | ccdal@comcast.net , 301-434-1086 |
Doberman Pinscher | dobe.net | darefeedback@yahoo.com |
English Setter- A Better English Setter | abetteresetter.org | MISetters@ABetterESetter.org |
English Springer Spaniel | maessr.org | 301-362-0423 |
Fox Terrier- Smooth and Wire | foxterrierrescue.net | 888-FOX-TERR |
German Shepherd - Mid Atlantic | magsr.org , Mt. Airy | help@magsr.org |
German Shepherd- All Shepherd | allshepherdrescue.com | adoptions@allshepherdrescue.com |
German Shorthaired Pointer | mdgsprescue.org | mdgsprescue@yahoo.com |
German Wirehaired Pointer | nationalgwprescue.com | shoalwater@windstream.net |
Golden Retriever- Almost Heaven | almostheaven-golden-retriever-rescue.org | 304-856-1600 |
Golden Retriever - Goldheart | goldheart.org, Chester | goldheart@goldheart.org |
Golden Retriever- GRREAT | grreat.org | 703-620-6593 |
Great Dane | magdrl.org | magdrlmd@gmail.com |
Great Pyrenees- AGPR | agprescue.org | bpkennel@msn.com |
Great Pyrenees- Blue Ridge | jen@brgpre.org | 703-476-6346 |
Greyhound Pet Adoption MD | gpa-md.com | 800-600-8607 |
Greyhound Rescue Inc. | denisegreys@gmail.com | 304-229-4944 |
Irish Setter | irishsetterclub.org | debdalk@gmail.com |
Irish Wolfhound | pviwc.org/rescue.html | pvrescue@pviwc.org |
Italian Greyhound | midatlanticiggyrescue.com | midatlanticigrescue@cox.net |
Jack Russell Terrier | russellrescue.com | secondchances4dogs@comcast.net |
Keeshond- KARMA | karmakees.org | karmakeesrsq@gmail.com |
Komondor | komondorrescue.com | komondor@comcast.net |
Kuvasz | kuvaszrescue.us | steve@kuvaszrescue.us |
Labrador Retriever | lrr.org | labgab@lrr.org |
Labrador Retriever | lab-rescue.org | info@lab-rescue.org |
Lhasa Apso | lhasaapsorescue.org | lhasarescue01@gmail.com |
Maltese | americanmalteserescue.org | Vcannonlady@aol.com |
Mastiff | mastiffrescue.org | carrwd@verizon.net |
Mini Pinscher | minpinrescue.org | 1-877-minpin1 |
Newfoundland | colonialnewfrescue.org | info@colonialnewfrescue.org |
Norwegian Elkhound | necpv.org | elkiehelp@gmail.com |
Pekingese | potomacpekes.org, Richmond | potomacpekes@gmail.com |
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV) | pbgv.org | eapbgv@gmail.com |
Pits And Rotts For Life | pitsandrottsforlife.com | 443-253-6586 |
Pit Bull- Jasmine's House | facebook.com/JHRescue | info@jasmineshouse.org |
Pit Bull- Midatlantic Bully Buddies | midatlanticbullybuddies.org | mabbteam@gmail.com |
Pointer | pointerrescue.org/main.html | pro_board@att.net |
Poodle | lindasdogdesign.com | 301-570-4300 |
Poodle | midatlanticpoodlerescue.org | cindy@midatlanticpoodlerescue.org |
Pug- Midatlantic | midatlanticpugrescue.org | maprapplications@gmail.com |
Rat Terrier | ratbonerescues.com | ratbonerescues@ratbonerescues.com |
Rhodesian Ridgeback | ridgebackrescue.org | maryland@ridgebackrescue.org |
Rottweiller - Majesty Rescue | majestyrescue.petfinder.com, Darlington | terry4553@verizon.net |
Saint Bernard | saintrescue.org | paul@ispcfuels.com |
Samoyed | samrescue.com | eisbearsamoyeds@juno.com |
Schipperke | schipperkerescue.net | schipfreak@schipperkerescue.net |
Schnauzer - Homeward Bound | HBSchnauzerRescue.com | hbscnauzerrescue@gmail.com |
Schnauzer - Miniature and standard | schnauzerrescue.net | info@schnauzerrescue.net |
Scottish Deerhound | deerhound.org | 703-754-8387 |
Scottish Terrier | masterpup.org | 301-807-3248 |
Shetland Sheepdog/sheltie | ncsr-md.org | ncsr@comcast.net |
Shar Pei | macspro.org | peirescue@macspro.org |
Shih Tzu Sanctuary | 410-643-0018 | |
Shih Tzu Fanciers of Greater Baltimore Rescue | shih-tzu-fanciers-of-greater-baltimore-rescue | |
Siberian Husky | siberescue.com | tottshr@siberescue.com |
Tibetan Terrier | ttca-online.org | 410-247-0455 |
Vizsla- VCA | vcaweb.org/find-a-vizsla/rescue | vcarescue@gmail.com |
Weimaraner | shopdcweim.com/adopt | rescue@dcweimclub.org |
West Highland White Terrier | marylandwestierescue.com | info@marylandwestierescue.com |
Whippet | whippoorwill01@verizon.net | 301-490-6598 |
Whippet- WRAP | whippet-rescue.org | susiebutlerdodd@yahoo.com |
Yorkshire Terrier | yorkierescueme.com | rescuemeyorkierescue@gmail.com |
Days End Farm Horse Rescue | defhr.org | info@defhr.org, 301-854-5037 |
Foxie G Foundation, The | thefoxiegfoundation.org, Frederick | 301-667-2553 |
Lost and Found Horse Rescue | lostandfoundmd.org | Germantown |
Maryland Horse Rescue | mdhorserescue.net, Westminster | 301-992-0284 |
Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary | animalsanctuary.org, Poolesville | 301-428-8128 |
Star Gazing Farm | stargazingfarm.org, Boyds | 301-674-5716 |
Baltimore Ferret Club | facebook.com/BaltimoreFerretClub | 410-676-4748 |
Rocky's Ferret Rescue & Shelter | rockysferrets.com | 717-746-4666 |
Friends of Rabbits | friendsofrabbits.org | info@friendsofrabbits.org |
House Rabbit Society (see ad page xx) | rabbitsinthehouse.org | rabbitinfo@rabbitsinthehouse.org |
Turtle - adoptions only | matts-turtles.org, Highland | matts@matts-turtles.org |
Metro Guinea Pig Rescue | mgpr.org | info@mgpr.org |
Mouse | adoptapet.com/s/mouse-adoption | |
Small Angels Rescue | smallangelsrescue.org | info@smallangelsrescue.org |
All Creatures Great & Small | allcreaturesgreatandsmallwildlifecenter.org, Columbia | 410-740-5096 |
Frisky's Wildlife Sanctuary | friskys.org, Woodstock | 410-418-8899 |
National Opossum Society | opossum.org | |
Phoenix Wildlife Center | phoenixwildlife.org, Phoenix | 410-628-9736 |
Second Chance Wildlife Center | scwc.org, Gaithersburg | info@scwc.org |
Wildlife Rescue, Inc. | wildliferescueinc.org, Monkton | 410-357-5179 |