Tales of The City Pet Care

Online Advertising
Tails of the City is a pet care company servicing DC, MD & VA. Wanting to branch out into the farther reaches of Maryland, we decided to advertise in the Maryland Pet Gazette for a variety of compelling reasons. They have been around since 2002 and are the only game in town when it comes to pet directories in Maryland. With a wide distribution, the Maryland Pet Gazette can be found everywhere – vet clinics, pet stores, pet-friendly buildings, rescues, grocery stores and as one of the main sponsors of the World of Pet Expo in Timonium, MD. Their strong business ethic and selectivity in whom they include in their publication (all advertisers are carefully screened and known to be long-standing and reputable.) is the driving force as to why they have been able to remain the go-to resource for pet owners for everything pets in Maryland. It was a pleasure to work with Rob, the owner and jack-of-all-trades at the Gazette. Very responsive and professional, Rob made it so easy to design a color-rich, visually appealing ad. With his years in marketing and promotion, he offered great advice on how to highlight our selling points in a concise and impactful way. Cost-wise, it was a no-brainer. Due to the great reach of the MD Pet Gazette, our ad will be seen by more pet owners in Maryland than if we had done it any other way and by advertising with the Maryland Pet Gazette, it cost less to do so in comparison to what we would have invested in printing costs for flyers, business cards, postcards, etc. through VistaPrint not to mention the time saved canvassing. (Google Review)