Pet Scratching Skin Issues
Finally…put an end to that constant scratching
It’s so maddening to watch that you can’t even imagine how maddening it is for your poor dog! The incessant scratching, gnawing, licking…anything to try to get just a little relief for that “hot spot.” While he’s in constant discomfort, you’re being driven crazy watching him chew himself raw.
If you’ve tried to treat it topically, you know it’s a losing battle. Anything you apply usually gets licked off…sometimes while you’re still putting it on! And it’s bad enough that he’s not getting the benefit of the medicine, but he’s also eating something that’s dangerous to ingest.
Of course, applying lotions does nothing to address the underlying problem. Skin problems never start on the skin. It’s usually an allergy that can be caused by something airborne, food, or any of the things you could be allergic to.
Eastern medicine is great for treating allergies. That’s why many vets refer their itchy clients to acupuncturists who have a lot of success relieving hot spots and skin allergies for dogs.
For more information, or to arrange a consultation, call Randi Sobel M.Ac., L.Ac Certified Animal Acupuncturist at 410-654-8997 ext. 1 or visit